Kris Wilder

award  6˚ Goju-Ryu – 2˚ TKD – 1˚ Judo
award  U.S. Martial Arts Hall of Fame inductee (2018)
award  Award-Winning Author

When you seek greater skill in karate, you are ultimately seeking authority over yourself.

Being clear about what you want and what you need may be difficult. There are internal challenges and external challenges.

Long-held and ingrained behaviors are going to challenged, questions and reshaped.

My goal is to aide you, to come alongside you and strengthen your commitment to your path. High achievers across history have possessed the quality of vision. Goals and the responsibility for that vision are where the rubber meets the road. The responsibility is to set one’s self on the path and through diligent seeking, to grow, change, and achieve.

This path allows a quality of life that exceeds mere existence. Leaning into a vibrant well-lived life is a joy for you and others around you.

You too can set a horizon, a destination for an exceptional life through the art of karate.