Kris Wilder


When you hire a life coach, you are ultimately seeking clarity. Being clear about what you want and what you need may be difficult. There are internal challenges and external challenges. Long held and deeply ingrained behaviors are assuredly going to be addressed. Externally groups can attempt to shape your position in life, or they may underscore a deeply held value. People can come to you with needs, wants and their own desires which you must choose to meet willingly or set aside.

High achievers across history have possessed the quality of vision and the responsibility that entails. Many of these high achievers have a transformational life coach to assist them in their quest.

Clarity is needed to commit to that vision. This allows a quality of life that exceeds mere existing, and leaning into a vibrant well-lived life. You too can set a horizon, a destination for an exceptional life.


Perspective comes from the ability to see patterns. Patterns, in life, love and conflict as well. We are inundated with data on a daily basis, but data is not information, it has no context. Once you gain context to the data, it turns into information. The information you can use to access and choose your path.
Wisdom of how that information is to be used and is the highest level.

Understanding how the information sits within your world, the past, the present and for our conversation, your vibrant future.

Wisdom is often shared or unveiled through perspective and experience which are two critical elements you gain when we work together to achieve your goals.


Action plans are wonderful, but without proper orientation based on transcendent values, your life compass is askew. My job as your Board Certified Life Coach is to help you get what you want in life. I do my life coaching out of Seattle and technology links us, making our relationship limitless and convenient as we identify these values and setting of your internal compass to true North.