Quote Sitting

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Quote Sitting, that’s a term I just made up but I’m going to show you how it works and I think you’re going to find value in it.

On any social program any social platform you’re going to find quotes that are tossed out like chicken feed cast on the ground with little thought and the chickens eat it as quickly as possible with no thought.

Quotes, Quotes, and More Quotes

If you ignore a majority of quotes that come across your social media feed and I believe you do you’re not reading them you’re not engaging in them and they are nothing but chicken feed cast out on the ground with little thought to what they mean and little thought on the reception.

What happens though when you see that one quote that really hits you, you know just one of those stunners what action do you take with that? Do you write it down? Do you screenshot it or pause and re-read it? How do you deal with it when it hits you?

Well, I have a suggestion for you. Here is my recommendation when you find that quote. Take a moment and dive into it and hear what it has to say.

John Steinbeck

 Here’s how this works in an example. I love the quote from American author Steinbeck. “The final weapon is the brain, all else is supplemental.”  Now here’s the process as I engage with that quote.  Each word is seen separately and then it’s placed back in context.  

As an example, “final.” OK that’s the last, that’s the end of the road, that’s the last stop there is nowhere else to go.  Then I moved to, “weapon” well that’s a tool that’s used in defense or offense to stop or injure an opponent. That’s what a weapon is for. Then the brain, the brain is the driver of the body, and supplemental means that everything else is in a supportive role of the brain.

The Beginning of Quote Sitting

When I get done reading this, I look at it and I say, “My brain is the initiator of all of my behavior and it should be treated as such and especially when I am using it in a weapon like manner. Whether it’s defensive or offensive my brain is what separates me.

I understand that it is my intelligence, my cunning, and ability to build and use all the supplemental things of my body or in my environment to suit my purposes. That is how I read that quote. The results of quote sitting.

So, the next time you come across a quote that means something to you take a moment and break it down and digest each word. What does each word really mean?  Then once you’ve done the breakdown, you’ll have that quote integrated into your thought process and soon your behavior process as well. You don’t sit too long, but you quote sit.

Here is a back issue that you may find interesting as it deals with words and their meanings: Word Salad Tastes Terrible

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Karate Tips – 8 Simple Tips To A Better Experience

Kris Wilder

5 Minute Read – More When You Follow The Links

Here are 8 simple karate tips to a better experience that take place between the ears. These 8 items will make your karate experience better, more productive, and set you on a path of consistently spiraling upward in karate skills and abilities.

1. Learn To Listen

Martial Arts is about self-actualization, physical safety, and the common good. Listening is an important skill. Listening is not only a thoughtful act but listening allows you to avoid the land mines of life.

Listening allows you to heed the warnings that the more experienced have. The probability you are taking to heart the idea of developing listening skills is unlikely. But you should consider it.  

Here is a link for you to see just how important this life skill truly is.

2. Don’t Blame

Martial Arts is also about personal responsibility. Bringing order to yourself and then you are valuable to others. Placing blame is a non-productive path. Take responsibility – even when you believe it is not your fault. (because if you are involved in what is happening you likely have some level of culpability.)

As for day-to-day on the martial arts path, embrace the grind, it is a grind at times, but the rewards are deep and profound.

The bottom line, it’s on you and the path is not easy.

3. Don’t Waste Time, Don’t Be Rash

If your art is not working for you, change. I tried three arts before I settled on one, well two. Many seasoned readers are nodding knowingly, with this caveat; don’t bail too soon, stick with it, don’t be a style hunter. 

You will know if it is time to leave if you have landed in three schools in the last eighteen months, not through eternal factors, e.g. moving, then you likely are not putting in the effort.  

Don’t waste your time and don’t waste other’s time.

4. Expectations

Your expectations of what the martial arts are will change. Like how your tastes change from childhood to now. SpongeBob SquarePants may still be funny, but it isn’t high art like it was when you were a little tike.

Allow for the change, allow for growth, and welcome it. Nothing stays the same forever, and if it did wouldn’t the world and your martial arts be boring?

5. Learning Never Stops

The greatest gift Martial Arts will give you is you can never stop learning. Learning and physical activity, two elements for long life.

It is that simple. Be consistent.

6. If It Were Easy

It’s an old saying, “If it were easy everybody would do it.”  The second older saying is, “If it is worth having it is worth working for.” Martial Arts are not easy, but the rewards are great.

Listen to Denzel Washington as he tells you that ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. And ask any advance Martial Artist about hardship and they will likely acknowledge it, but hold no resentment.

7. It’s Group Training But It Is A Solo Endeavor

You are responsible for yourself when it comes to martial arts. It is a group atmosphere and it is great to have comradery, however it’s on you. The choices you make, the training you choose to do, or not do. The way you carry yourself all are factors. And those acts, those choices are seen by those ahead of you in the ranks.

Those upper ranks are assessing you. It sounds harsh, but they are eyeballing you to see if you are worth the hand-up, the effort, if you are ready and willing.

The simple formula is to be responsible to yourself and the plan, both internal and external will open for you.

8. The Martial Arts Will Change Your Life

It may appear as a casual choice, to take up martial arts, but your life will change from that day forward.  

If you take up fencing, your friends will expand and you will learn about the international subculture of the épée, the largest and heaviest of the three swords used in the sport.

You will become picky about the density of the weave of your Judo Gi. And many profound changes will occur. To speak to those changes is presumptuous as we are all unique with our own needs and desires. Know that change is coming, and the longer you train the deeper that river runs.

Kris Wilder

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Do you want more? Here are some courses both free and upper-level courses

The Brutally Simple / Simply Brutal courses + more at Kris Wilder Courses, More than just information. Wisdom.  https://kriswildercourses.teachable.com