Quote Sitting

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Quote Sitting, that’s a term I just made up but I’m going to show you how it works and I think you’re going to find value in it.

On any social program any social platform you’re going to find quotes that are tossed out like chicken feed cast on the ground with little thought and the chickens eat it as quickly as possible with no thought.

Quotes, Quotes, and More Quotes

If you ignore a majority of quotes that come across your social media feed and I believe you do you’re not reading them you’re not engaging in them and they are nothing but chicken feed cast out on the ground with little thought to what they mean and little thought on the reception.

What happens though when you see that one quote that really hits you, you know just one of those stunners what action do you take with that? Do you write it down? Do you screenshot it or pause and re-read it? How do you deal with it when it hits you?

Well, I have a suggestion for you. Here is my recommendation when you find that quote. Take a moment and dive into it and hear what it has to say.

John Steinbeck

 Here’s how this works in an example. I love the quote from American author Steinbeck. “The final weapon is the brain, all else is supplemental.”  Now here’s the process as I engage with that quote.  Each word is seen separately and then it’s placed back in context.  

As an example, “final.” OK that’s the last, that’s the end of the road, that’s the last stop there is nowhere else to go.  Then I moved to, “weapon” well that’s a tool that’s used in defense or offense to stop or injure an opponent. That’s what a weapon is for. Then the brain, the brain is the driver of the body, and supplemental means that everything else is in a supportive role of the brain.

The Beginning of Quote Sitting

When I get done reading this, I look at it and I say, “My brain is the initiator of all of my behavior and it should be treated as such and especially when I am using it in a weapon like manner. Whether it’s defensive or offensive my brain is what separates me.

I understand that it is my intelligence, my cunning, and ability to build and use all the supplemental things of my body or in my environment to suit my purposes. That is how I read that quote. The results of quote sitting.

So, the next time you come across a quote that means something to you take a moment and break it down and digest each word. What does each word really mean?  Then once you’ve done the breakdown, you’ll have that quote integrated into your thought process and soon your behavior process as well. You don’t sit too long, but you quote sit.

Here is a back issue that you may find interesting as it deals with words and their meanings: Word Salad Tastes Terrible

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Gift Eyes

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Gift eyes see the world differently. Unsatisfied with the place you are is not an uncommon thing to have happen. The dissatisfaction is a motivator. It’s a change, or it gets you off your mark, gets you going it’s not a bad thing to have. But sometimes we become overly oriented externally. Too much on the work, get, got, got to have.

Living Without Gift Eyes, It’s Not The Best Place

In the old movie Buckaroo Banzai, Buckaroo says the classic statement, “Wherever you go, there you are.” It is silly, but in that silliness is a piece of truth. You’re just where you are, right now, and it may not be perfect, it is unlikely perfect. But, you’ve constructed, in your mind, what perfection looks like but you’re not there but it is where you are. So, take a moment to survey your world, do a little accounting. But only look at it with gift eyes not sour eyes, gift eyes.

How Can I Live Well?

Gift eyes asked the questions, “How can I live well?” “How can I live into what I’m experiencing?” “What can I do that will make the world better for others?”

Sour eyes, “That’s not good enough.” Whatever it is, it isn’t good enough. The fault is always found. The accounting is always wrong, and it’s a heck of a way to go through life.

Gift eyes. it changes your perspective. How odd that we should be talking about eyes and shifting your perspective. But it does, it changes everything. It makes your life better, it makes those lives around you better, and ultimately it flows out into the community.

Take a moment don’t look at the world with sour eyes. Shift with the gift eyes, look at it. I bet you within five minutes you’re going to be smiling, laughing, and grinning at the experience that you’re having. Your world becomes greater brighter and more enjoyable.

Here are some, take action, tips from Good Morning Quote: 10 Simple Tips on How to Have a Positive Outlook

You may enjoy this other post on: Negative Self-Talk

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