Fallen Stories, Negative Self-Talk

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We tell ourselves fallen stories, negative self-talk. Sometimes these stories are ego feeds, they’re a great story about how wonderful. That we the best and we’re pretty darn good at what we’re doing.

You’re Not Good Enough

Then of course there are those other stories, those fallen stories, negative self-talk, where you’re not good enough. Who thought you could do that? Why would it go any other way? These kinds of stories – we are a captive audience.

We are able to create these moments, these short stories, the fallen stories, about ourselves, and we tell ourselves those stories. The most powerful stories are the ones we tell ourselves, good, bad, or indifferent. We are far more cautious, far more judicious in what we say and how we say our words and thoughts to others than we ever do in our internal conversation.

Destroy That Lie

Let’s give that act of internal storytelling a new framework in which to look at it. If you are tied to a chair in a basement with a single naked light bulb above your head and a re-education agent was demanding you speak certain words and in glowing terms over and over regarding the presiding Führer, you would recoil from this picture.

The Good Stuff Happens in Your Head

Yet it happens in our heads on a daily basis. The negative talk. The most powerful stories are the ones you silently tell yourself and you do it repeatedly. They can be as horrific as the picture I just painted, being underneath that naked lightbulb on a chair, or they can’t be useful, uplifting, creative, and of course realistic.

Because the most powerful stories, we tell ourselves take place between the ears and we’re always listening.

Call it Fallen Stories, or negative self-talk, it is as scary as being strapped to a chair and browbeat into an idea not based in reality.

Here is a past podcast that deals with: The Non-Existent Problem

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Stories We Tell

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These stories can be a good thing or they could be lies but we’re not going to delve into the idea of the lies right now we’re going to stick to the stories. 

Stories are how we communicate and make experiences stick.  Stories are how we make ideas work, how we make them spreadable, and flesh out the idea, the story for the concept. This storytelling takes on different shapes and colors as it is wide and varied. But the bones however they are remarkably similar.

Some say there are only seven stories out there, that we only have seven stories to tell in our lives and our entertainment, they are:

The Seven Basic Stories

Overcoming the monster

Rags to riches

The quest

The voyage and return




These are the bones of the seven stories.

Every CSI television show episode falls into one of those seven stories. Every Dragnet, every Hawaii 50. One show has a group of High-Tech specialists catching the bag guys. The other is a stiff, hardnosed, seen it all cop and the other is a set of ugly crimes set in a tropic island paradise.

We flesh out our stories to soothe ourselves to suit our needs and to service succor. As an example, with those seven storylines, they’re all there, and the Hollywood writers take that skeleton and change the trim.

The Story and it’s Flair

This means they change the settings and they changed the people, but it’s the same story. We do the same in our lives we add this color, that story, this flair, and your degree of difficulty, in the execution of certain things.

We believe we have a unique story and it’s nice, it adds flavor to life it adds color when we look at the structure.

When we look at the bones of the story not be fleshed out it would become more about the story. More about the adventure, the common experience wrapped in the dressings. The diversity of how we have shared similar bodies. Our stories, or how we’ve chosen to live out the sense of ourselves. How we choose to see the underlying commonality of us all.

Seven stories but the bones of our stories, of our journeys, falls into a simple understanding of a commonality of one another. The understanding that at our core, at our very inner self, were almost all identical in our stories and our structures.

Here is a deeply plunge into the Seven Basic Stories: Definition of Plot for Creative Writers

And here is a supplemental version of the stories we tell: Negative Self-Talk

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