3 Minute Read Time
Teaching Karate – 1 great move. For years I used the technique of, “Leaving the students on a high note,” in my martial arts classes. I thought I had high training awareness. I thought I had the 1 great move, however there was more to know.
The principal was simple, help the students recall the positive that happened during training and then head on home. A simple act that was lacking a little something. I thought I was engaged in training awareness; but the tail end of class was lacking.
I ran into Sue Enqust on a podcast and was, honestly a little upset I had not paid attention to this outstanding woman and coach in the past. Once she was on my radar I reached out and she responded. In a brief direct message conversation over twitter, subsequently Sue Enquist gave me the next level of success.
The briefest and important tip

Who is Sue Enquist? Coach Enquist won 11 National Championships coaching the University of California Los Angeles, (UCLA) softball team. That is an insane win record! She was doing something right. (Her coaching record was 887-175-1)
Her website is: http://www.sueenquist.com/
What she told me was so counter to Martial Arts instruction as I have known it. I had a hard time getting my head around the idea. I’m supposed to be in control, directing the learning, not wasting a moment, keep ‘em moving. In short I was leaving, the 1 great move on the table.
Her suggestion was the opposite, almost.
What Coach Enquist recommended was a fun flex.
She went on to guarantee this would send the class out on the highest of tones. “Give the last 5 minutes of class over to the students, let them choose what they want to do, and then do it.” It went against my years of experience yet did what she recommended.
The results were so powerful the 5-minute Fun Flex, is in the Conquest Martial Arts Class Method. (Yes, you can click on this link and learn more about the class method)

I trusted a coach with 11 national championships and who won almost 9 out of every 10 games she coached.
Now I pass it on to you. Let the students have the last 5 minutes of class. As Coach Enquist told me, “Watch the enthusiasm go through the roof Woo Hoo!” It’s the 1 Great Move.
She didn’t lie.
P.S. If you are not watching Women’s College Softball you’re missing out on a fast paced, top shelf sport. The championship rounds are insanely great!
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