For The Win

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For the win is often swimming upstream. Swimming upstream is a metaphor for the difficult task. Something that is present and constantly pushing against us. The fact is that those things exist.

Philip K. Dick Had Something to Say

One of my favorite quotes is from the science fiction author Philip K. Dick and he said this. “Reality is that which when you stop believing in it doesn’t go away,” and that is what it’s like to swim upstream. All other aspects of the situation are thrown aside and you’re left with the current. That current often is the world and people, because the world and people do with their going to do. They have their agenda.

You could rail against ignorance, the unintelligence, the stupidity, or the bad choices. All the labels that you might use to disparage the world or people. To make them seem less than what your vision of the world or people should be. That is swimming upstream, it’s fighting. Fighting is sometimes called for but it’s the last resort. It’s the last extension of the will and fighting is expensive.

So how might we follow up on this and get a win? Well, without shirking responsibility we can keep a mindset that allows us to move forward. To swim up that stream without having to fight too much. All without having to declare everything and everybody around us stupid, or ignorant.

The Easy Win

Here’s the simple trick you can do, save an easy win in your day. If you’re outlining your day, and I hope that you are, you can find an easy win in there. Something that’s going to make you feel good when you pull that easy when the off. And when you do execute that easy win and take a moment and acknowledge that you had an easy win.

We all know that this win is contrived we set it up. Yet it still feels wonderful. It allows us to push forward with positive momentum into the next challenge. The swimming upstream, the reality that’s not going to go away.

It’s a simple trick satisfying when executed. When ignited you get to use that momentum for the win, stepping forward into the next challenge.

Here is a link from WikiLinks: 3 Ways To Win At Life

Or, maybe a 3 Minute Podcast on: Organized