The secret to better karate discipline. When we look at the people we admire they always possess some form of discipline. A focus, a clarity that leads to achievement.
Here is a checklist audit to help you get a better sense of your discipline.
Discipline Is Ritualized
Discipline is ritualized. Ritual builds consistency and as humans we love consistency.

This is a checklist for you to begin with. You will take note there is no, “I will do 25 push-ups every morning,” aspect to the list. The reason is all action, all discipline begins with the mind, the initiator. These are features of discipline that set you up to have success. Think of them as setting the table so you can enjoy the meal.
Here Is Your Checklist
1. I get out of bed every workday at the same time
Yes Sometimes No
2. I get out of bed at a set time on the weekend, not the same time I do during the week, but I do set a time
Yes Sometimes No
3. I fall asleep to a screen. I have my phone in my hand until I fall asleep, tablet or T.V. on
Yes Sometimes No
4. I hit the snooze button
Yes Sometimes No
5. My keys are always in the same place when I wake in the morning
Yes Sometimes No
6. I know what I am going to eat in the morning
Yes Sometimes No
7. I have media I consume every morning that helps me keep on time, and keeps me positive
Yes Sometimes No
8. I take a moment to meditate, pray, or reflect most mornings
Yes Sometimes No
9. I know what I am going to wear the next day when I go to bed.
Yes Sometimes No
Score each answer this way Yes = 1, Sometimes = 2, No = 3.
The largest score you can get is 27
The lowest score possible is 9
Like golf the lower the score the better. The lower your score the more ritual you have in your life the less anxiety you likely have.

Organize Your Day
These questions are not a recommendation but serve as an indicator. They are indicators of the level of organization you have in preparation for the next day. Starting the day after a poor nights’ sleep and with several decisions to make before the day begins? That formula makes for an unnecessary challenge.
You can start a plan by using these nine questions to form the beginning of your program. Or adapt and improve what you already do.
Caution! Only choose one addition, deletion, or change to start to get success. Too many changes at one time are not the best choice no matter how high your enthusiasm.
You will notice the items on the list are small, almost too simple, and that is why they work in setting the path to the secret to better karate discipline.
Don’t Rush It

We have all listened to the person that has a list of New Year’s resolutions. As they are ticking off the items on their list, we are saying to ourselves, “Yeah…that’s not going to go very far.”
It takes time to establish a disciplined ritual to your world, don’t rush it. But do make the choice to do so. Do the check list. And then adopt the small forward leaning actions.
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Kris Wilder is a martial artist based in Seattle Washington. He has authored many martial art books, including the classic, The Way of Kata. Making no apologies for his obsession of Football he can be found telling any who will listen about the nuances of the Canadian Football League.