Brains v. Backbone. What’s better to be a genius or to have a backbone? You know the consistency of life? Fiber, fortitude, guts, grit? Well, I have an opinion and I set out to find out if it was shared by people I know.
Here’s my unscientific poll and the answer to that question and again it’s friends, associates, acquaintances, parents, and not scientific in the least. I ask this question, “Would you rather have your child be a genius or have a backbone, you know brains v. backbone?”
Can I Have Both?
While the responses were always, “Can I have both?” and for our purposes no you can’t. You have to choose from. After a short pause never has any parent selected anything other than backbone, and grit, guts. The parents never choose brains. I believe it’s because we understand that our children, students. As adults, we would rather wish the children would have grit than brains, bris v. backbone. Now I’m not suggesting stupid of course, and I’m not suggesting extreme on any end. The point is these that we all seem to understand that our children, our students, or friends are going to be happier. They’re going to live more fulfilling lives if they have grit, stick-to-itiveness
IQ is Hard-Wired, Brians v. Backbone
It’s my understanding that IQ is hard-wired to a great degree. Now there’s some flexibility of course with education and experience. Let’s move on to the larger aspect of this which is the hustle. The hustle is not fixed. Hustle is not hard-wired a can be taught. It can be grown; it can be groomed. If you don’t have your hustle on. If you’re not leaning forward in the saddle of your life, then what are you doing? You’re not as happy in life.
Hustle is Not Fixed
How you put that effort forward that’s your choice. Every situation is different in it’s going to require some analysis and matching up with a vision. The point is that hustle is within your control. The hustle is not fixed. You can build and expand, grow it. Like everybody else that I spoke to about this throughout the last year has pointed to. They would desire hustle and backbone for their child because they know that that’s going to be a happier life. So, I’m here to tell you that a little bit of hustle, some grit, some consistency, some fiber some fortitude, some guts. Brains v. backbone once again. That’s what makes for a happy life that’s what makes for a better life.
From Science ABC: Is Your IQ Fixed For Life?
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