Why Forgiveness?

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Why Forgiveness? People are not willing to give forgiveness – readily. But they are swift to request forgiveness. When forgiveness is asked for the request is often rejected.

Forgiveness often needs to be requested, beg for, and groveled for. People like power over other people. When the screws are on the thumbs, they tighten, twist, and frankly enjoy the position.

The Request of Clemency

On the other side of the coin, people are quick to request mercy. People expect a wide berth, a lot of latitude, understanding, and compassion for their position.

If you reject the idea that people are not generous with forgiveness and are quick to ask for understanding. Asking for clemency of their own. Well, I suggest that your observation of the history of humanity is lacking. We need to be more metered and more consistent, less radical, or less reactionary.

Laws Created in Calm

We have laws and we have created those laws while cooler heads prevail. The question is can you have a cool head when it’s personal? Can you flip this on its head? Can you grant forgiveness where contrition exists? Can you be slow to reflexively ask for your compassion without understanding the imprint of your actions?

Can you stop the angry villagers with pitchforks and torches from running the streets of your mind? Is it hard? Sure.

But the simple flip of the hard actions will change how you act and see the world. Give forgiveness when it’s contrite, reasonable, and asked for. And make sure that you reflect on your actions before requesting forgiveness.

Mayo Clinic – Adult Health, Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness.

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