Small Wins Win The Day “Keep working at it you’ll get it.” They are trite sayings, “Just keep working.” The Carolina Panthers of the National Football League (NFL) use the motto, “Just keep pounding.” The idea of just keep working is seen as a positive and it is expressed both small and large. Small as a parent telling their child, “Just keep working,” to professional athletes in the NFL. As pointed to earlier.
Forward Progress
This idea of forwarding progress is echoed at every level of our world.
The difficult part of applying this idea is when things are hard. It is the mental game that makes the difference at this point. Not how big are your biceps, and not how big is your heart, but how focused you can make your mind?
The focus of the mind in hard times is a challenge.
Here is a method of focusing your mind and getting some positive feedback. Positive feedback is important. We love positive feedback, even if it isn’t true. There are few things better than having an important person in your life lie a little to you. “You’re the best.” “You looked great tonight.” “That was impressive.” “You are so caring.” It’s not completely true, yet in most cases, we respond positively to these wonderful lies.

Our minds pick up the positive juice of the moment. We are subject to what is going on around us, what we see, and what we hear. If this response wasn’t true Horror movies would be out of business. No good movie executive is making a movie that doesn’t work.
Small Wins Win The Day Only If You Work It.
Here is your execution method. Take the smallest action. Let’s think about sports. Your team is losing and you are on the bench, not in the game. It is difficult to watch. Here is your small action. Lean forward in your seat, elbows on your knees. If you think that is silly. Test it now.

Sit in your chair back straight and hands in your lap. Feel your brain. Now lean forward elbows on your knees. Feel that. That is the small forward movement, it’s is true positive action.
Small Wins Create The Loop
These small forward movements build on the positive feedback loop. It is small, but it is as real. Taking the success of the simple leaning forward experiment you did. What is the next thing that gets stacked on top of it? Remember it needn’t be big.
Are you fooling yourself? No, you are aware of what you are doing. It’s the conscious manipulation of your mind.

The small action in a positive direction can take on many forms. And these forms are as diverse as we are. Yet that is universal as well. The touch of a loved one, the kind word, the leaning forward on the bench, or winning at a few rounds of a video game.
All of this stacks-up, and you should seek positive moments out and once found engage with them. Even when you know what is going on, that mass of protein awash in chemicals kept in the darkness of your skull doesn’t know, it responds and in a positive manner.
Here is the simplest of positive actions, walking. You are stepping forward, aren’t you?
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Let’s Connect
Kris Wilder is a martial artist based in Seattle Washington. He has authored many martial art books, including the classic, The Way of Kata. Making no apologies for his obsession of Football he can be found telling any who will listen about the nuances of the Canadian Football League.